
sunday School : 10:30am - 11:00 divine Worship service : 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM


Welcome to Church of the word of God In Jesus The Christ! Whether it's been a while since you've been to church, never been to church before, or are visiting from out of town, you are invited to our One Day-all day Prayer Conferrence  "Reaping Our Harvest 2020 ! Join us at 6am to 12 am Saturday, October 31, Holy Spirit full Prase and Worship, Powerful messages on Prayer, Fastting,and how to Reap Our Harvest in this season.

Need more information? We put together some information below so you'll know what to expect! And of course, reach out to us with any questions.

- Pastor Gooding, II




It's important to us that you feel welcome when visiting. We hope the atmosphere will help you feel relaxed and comfortable. The music and worship are built around Biblical themes that are timeless. We are glad to have you join us in worship! You will be greeted and welcomed. 


From the pulpit you will hear sound expository preaching. The focus of each sermon is built around the point of the Biblical text being addressed.


From the pulpit you will hear sound expository preaching. The focus of each sermon is built around the point of the Biblical text being addressed.


Here at Church of the word of God In Jesus The Christ, we place a high priority on the preaching and teaching of God's Word. The Prayer Conferrence  "Reaping Our Harvest 2020" is a time for us to come together as a community to learn and call on the Name of our Lord, be encouraged and to be challenged by God's Word. "Reaping Our Harvest 2020"  Prayer Conferrence is some of the many opportunities which exist beyond the Sunday worship service where members have a chance to grow, fellowship, or otherwise be a part of a Church family that lives out their faith together.

hosted by

rev. walter d. & lady grace gooding ii, M.Div., Th.B

We bless Almighty God for another "REAPING OUR HARVEST 2020"! He is very faithful who promised to do a New Thing in this end  time. We your Church Family at Church of the Word of God In Jesus The Christ welcome ALL to this Move of God.

We bless Almighty God for ALL the Ministers who are taking from their VERY Busy schedule to come and be a Blessing to the people of God.  We thank "The Lord of Harvest" for being faithful to bring in your Complete Harvest. None shall rot; We declare you shall lose no time in Harvesting; and The Lord is your Helper in the Name of Jesus The Christ! Amen.  

Our fervent prayer is that from the moment you walk into.......the very moment you entered the Lord's worship center, We pray that you feel welcome in to your Father's house ! We Pray that we are very inviting and nonjudgmental --that you will see we are  "real people"  sinners save by His Grace at this church!" We declare Holy Spirit lead sermons, we pray that the songs we sing gives glory to Our God and that you will join in.

Your Church Family and I can't wait to finally meet you and yours!

With Love

Pastor Gooding, II



"From the moment I walked in...I mean the very moment I entered the worship center, I felt so welcome! It was very inviting and nonjudgmental -- "real people" at this church!" It was a great sermon, we sang songs I knew, and I can't wait to come back!


"From the moment my wife and I walked in to CWG-IJTC .......I mean from that very moment we entered the worship center, we felt the anointing of God! It was so welcoming! Members were very inviting and nonjudgmental -- "great people of God" are at this church!" They were receptive to the Word of the Lord. We sang songs I knew, and I can't wait to come back for REAPING OUR HARVEST 2020 WHICH PROMISES TO BE A WONDERFUL TIME IN THE LORD.


We bless Almighty God for allowing my family and I to be apart of this Powerful move of His Holy Spirit! Other members of "Rhema Ministries" aka God's Light House that attended "REAPING OUR HARVEST 2019",  From the moment we walked in.........I mean the very moment we entered the worship center, we felt so welcome! It was very inviting and nonjudgmental -- "real people" are at this church!" There were great teaching, we sang songs I knew, and we can't wait to come back this year for REAPING OUR HARVEST 2020!


My Beloved you can not afford to miss "Reaping Our Harvest 20202"  God is going to bring complete clarity in the Time, Season and Why COVID-19. Some received a pink Slip/Sabbatical by Force...... some can not remember when they have taken one last, He give some Green Slips........ Keep Pushing Corona is not your portion, For some He issue a Black Slip......... Time has Expired.Specific Instructions of the Mentality Necessary to make provisions for 2021.
Luke 21:25-36
I Peter 4:12

 pastor emmanuel kwesi dunyo

Pastor Emmanuel Kwesi Dunyo. Is happily married to Lady Cleopatra for the past 19years and they are blessed with a beautiful daughter named Audrey Shiika Berachah. he is the Senior Pastor of Glorious Tabernacle Outreach Church in Montgomery County, Maryland since 2005. he is also the Executive Director of Oceans of Love International, a Missions Organization that reaches out and ministers to underprivileged people and communities worldwide with hope and help in Christ Jesus since 2007. he is really looking forward to this “payerthon” dubbed Reaping Our Harvest

2020 because according to E.M. Bounds, “the story of every great Christian achievement is the history of answered prayer.”

 haja blessing nyelenkeh (sister haja)

Haja Blessing Nyelenkeh (Sister Haja) is Married with two lovely children. She serves as a teacher and Minister of the Word of God at Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, Queens Branch, New York. She loves the Lord as well as His people. She displays it through her actions. Sister Haja spreads the Word of the Lord at every opportunity she gets and she helps those in need in her committee and beyond. In her church, she participates in an annual Christmas and Back to School donations in the children’s department. Her humility and selflessness have brought so many souls to Christ.  She also has positively impacted so many lives in Africa. She has been blessed to spread the Gospel of God to society. One of her major goals is to be a “mother” to the orphans and this has given her  a craving for helping and caring for orphans.

 rev. dr. lang e. nelson

Rev. Dr. Lang E. Nelson "I bless Almighty God for what He (God) is going to do for the REAPING OUR HARVEST 2020" MEETING. I thank God of the mighty outpouring of the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' mighty name! We Love Your and can't wait to see your all".

 apostle victoria williams

 Apostle Victoria Williams "From the moment I walked in...last year's REAPING OUR HERVEST 2019 I mean the very moment I entered CWG-IJTC's worship center, I felt so welcome with the Love of Christ! Their members are very inviting and nonjudgmental -- "real people" at this church! We were Blessed by the great teaching and prayer points, we sang songs I knew, and WE bless the God that we have been invited back"!

From what The Holy Spirit is saying to the Body of Christ for this "Heart of God's" program, REAPING OUR HARVEST 2020 is simply that we are is a season of Declaration, the Word states " we have not, because we ask not" God's Word further states that " the power of death and life are in our toungues" So what we speak....we shall have! 

More to come on the Saturday, October 31


 prophet wilta f. harris

REAPING OUR HAERVEST 2019 was great! This year's REAPING OUR HARVEST 2020 promises to be even greater then the former. We had a wonderful time in the Lord last year, the people of God at this Church loves the Word of God! We enjoy our time praying, prasing and loving on the Lord!

There are "loving people" at this church!" It was a great time worshiping our Father, we sang songs that all would  know, and I can't wait to come back!

 rev. dr. satta draper

Come ONE, Come ALL to this year's REAPING OUR HARVEST 2020 at Church of the Word of God In Jesus The Christ! Last year's prayer conference was a great time in the Lord. Come this year expecting an encounter with our Lord Jesus the Christ!

We Love You MUCH

Ma Satta 

 pastor alex cephas toe

Pastor Alex Cephas Toe " we thank our Lord and Savoir, Jesus Christ who is the head on our life, for giving us this opportunity to be apart of this God given vision. God's Word declares, "write the version, make it plain on tables, that he may run that reads it " We are here Lord that You will make it clear and that we shall run with your vision.

We can't wait to visit with these "wonderful people of God"  To God be ALL the Glory!

We Love Your

Pastor Alex.


The Prayer Conferrence  "Reaping Our Harvest 2020" is a time for us to come together as a community to learn and call on the Name of our Lord, be encouraged and to be challenged by God's Word. "Reaping Our Harvest 2020"  Prayer Conferrence is some of the many opportunities which exist beyond the Sunday worship service where members have a chance to grow, fellowship, or otherwise be a part of a Church family that lives out their faith together.

Learn More


  • Where can I park? The parking lot out front is saved just for Brookside Community Church visitors! Pick a spot and park anywhere.
  • What COVID-19 regulations should I know about? Masks are required at all times per the state's know we'll be whipping out the Christmas masks! Each family will be placed 6 feet apart from others so maintain social distancing regulations. 
  • Do I need to register for this event? It's not required, but your registration does help us plan for that event!
  • What should I wear? Whatever you're comfortable in! We have members who love to dress up in their Christmas best dress or suit for the Christmas Eve service and members who come in comfy jeans! Come as you are.
  • Do you provide childcare? Yes, we do offer childcare for infants and K-5. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early so that you can check in your child. 

do you have futher qustions ?

Fill out the form below and We'll get back to you shortly.